Weekly Episodes
EVERY Thursday 6am
#100 Bam Time With Grant Phillips
This is N2M's 100th episode! We had our first guest in over a year, Grant "Bam Bam" Phillips, a man made in Canada, born in the USA, and perhaps the only person we know to have failed a drunken attempt at getting hitched in Vegas. He opened up to us like we were collectively Barbara Walters about his antics and exploits in nearly a decade of experience in the event production industry.
This podcast is tested weekly for quality control on woodland wildlife.
NO animals are harmed in making this podcast. Although there was a duck that seemed pretty bored once.
Not To Mention Podcast Needs You!
Not To Mention Podcast needs you…to mention us, Mentionables. Here at N2M nothing is more important than YOU! We’re fundamentally a word of mouth based podcast. If you enjoy the ear candy we so lovingly produce subscribe and please SPREAD THE WORD!
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About To Mention
NOT To Mention Podcast
3 ridiculous co-hosts and BROTHERS producing a podcast covering all topics from movies and video games to books and food, to name a few. No topic is off limits! Set your warp drive coordinates, destination bulls*** town. N2M features series such as Mentionable Mishaps and Misadventures, Reddit Quest, and Mentionable Mysteries. All driven by absurd hypotheticals and wide eyed speculation.
The Brothers dewitt
Josh DeWitt
Moonlights as a level 5 Podcast Host. Online he goes by the gamer tag High-Queue. Suffers from a crippling case of GAS ( gear acquisition syndrome) and has a SEVERE fear of sharks. Inspired by a dream of a podcasting greatness he works hard, plays harder and once woke up with a slice of pizza in his pocket.
Collin DeWitt
Enigmatic, ubiquitous, and pervasive. The man. The myth. The legend.
Ryan DeWitt
Working on it…still.